This committee offers advice and assistance to the Village Board of Trustees, the Administrator, the Treasurer, department heads and volunteer groups on the annual budget and finance.

We also serve as an objective and apolitical source for Village financial history and insight. Committee member input has led to bond structuring for efficiency, department inventory accounting methods, capital project funding overview techniques, and operating budget examinations.

Our primary focus and biggest time commitment is the annual budget, whose development starts in December and finalizes with adoption at the end of April. Typically, there will be five evening meetings that last two to three hours during this period. In addition, throughout the year members provide advice on specific projects on an as-needed basis.

We are looking for Village of Larchmont residents with sincere interest in volunteering to meet our shared Village goals to join our committee. Members are professionals in economic, corporate and investment financial management and legal fields, with expertise and education in relevant disciplines.

For meeting and chairperson contact information, ask Brian Rilley, Larchmont Deputy Clerk, at

Paul H. Silverman

Brian Rilley,

Michael Gottfried
Carol Casazza Herman
John McGarr
Chuck McMullan
John Komar, Board of Trustees Liaison